
"Non c'è nulla da dire: c'è solo da essere, c'è solo da vivere." Piero Manzoni,1960

giovedì, agosto 30, 2007

End Homophobia, Pass It On

This is version two, I fixed the blank spot at the end! Thanks guys!

This is for anyone who can try to tell me that homophobia doesn't exist anymore, or that it's not as bad as we make it out to be.

Homophobia hurts. It causes emotional damage, and in some instances, physical damage as well. So many people are oblivious to things that happen in today's world concerning homophobia. I've had so many people tell me that there is no homophobia anymore, but I ask you this. If homophpbia is no longer an issue, why is it still illegal in some places for same sex couples to get married? Why do we have such a harder time trying to adopt children. Why do we still deal with the hostile stares, the uncomfortable feelings, and the fact that there are some places we just don't "belong"? Just because someone loves differently than you do, does not mean that their love is wrong. I'll believe that homophobia has been trampled the day I can walk through the streets without being stared at, when I can be legally married without a hassle, and the day that people realize that this is who we are. We're born this way. God made us this way, and who are you to question God's creation?

"People ask, "Who are you?" We are their daughters, their sisters, their sons, their nurses, their mechanics, their athletes, their police. We're your doctors, your fathers, your politicians, your solidiers, your mothers, your friends. We live with you, we care for you, protect you, teach you, love you and need you. All we ask is that you let us. " - Serving In Silence

Any spelling errors are not mine, but those of the person/people who wrote the poem.

Music: Life - Our Lady Peace


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