
"Non c'è nulla da dire: c'è solo da essere, c'è solo da vivere." Piero Manzoni,1960

lunedì, ottobre 30, 2006

The Road to Guantanamo

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.1)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.2)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.3)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.4)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.5)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.6)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.7)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.8)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.9)

The Road To Guantanamo Movie (Pt.10) FINAL
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